What Happens After a Root Canal?

Root Canals

A root canal removes the infected pulp from the inside of a tooth to stop infection and save it. It’s a common procedure performed by endodontists and dentists to treat infected and injured teeth. It’s also a safe and effective way to save natural teeth that have been damaged or decayed.

What Happens After a Root Canal?

The first step in root canal treatment is to numb the affected area with a local anesthetic. Then, your Sarasota dentist will make an opening in the top of the tooth or its crown to gain access to the root canals and pulp chamber. The doctor will then shape the inside of the tooth to prepare it for filling.

Your tooth will be filled with an inert material called gutta percha to seal the canals and prevent future infection. This process is typically completed in two visits.

During the procedure, your Sarasota dentist will carefully remove the infected tissue from inside the tooth. Then, the tooth’s pulp is carefully cleaned and disinfected to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.

You may feel some pain or swelling as the numbing medication wears off. If you do, you should take over-the-counter pain medication to relieve your discomfort until the antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications prescribed by your dentist take effect.

In addition, you should avoid chewing on the side of your mouth that was treated for a few days following the procedure. If you’re concerned about the pain after a root canal, contact your Sarasota dentist as soon as possible to discuss options for relief.

A root canal can be a complex, invasive procedure. If it isn’t done properly, it can cause the loss of your tooth or the formation of an abscess that can be dangerous for your health.

The best Sarasota root canal specialist in Florida will be knowledgeable and experienced in all aspects of this treatment. This includes taking x-rays to see the condition of your roots and developing a treatment plan that will effectively treat your tooth and keep it functional.

Most patients are able to return to work and school the day after they receive root canal therapy. However, it is a good idea to give yourself extra time to recover, especially if you’ve received sedation during the procedure.

Cost of a Root Canal

The cost of a root canal treatment depends on many factors, including the complexity of the treatment and how many visits are needed. If you have insurance, your policy will likely cover a portion of the cost, though some plans do have limits or co-pays.

While most root canals are performed in a single visit, if you have more than one infected tooth or severe damage, it might be necessary to make multiple visits.

How to Prevent Infection After a Root Canal

Once the infected tissue is removed and the canals are fully sealed, the dentist will place a protective covering over the treated tooth (a dental dam). This is designed to keep the tooth isolated from the surrounding gums and saliva, which can further irritate it.

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